
Several months ago I bought Elecom Huge M-HT1DRBK, a trackball, for my wrists and space-limited usage. This is what I've figured out:

It needs a kernel module:

$ zgrep -i elecom /proc/config.gz 

Use evdev instead of libinput:

There are different xorg input drivers: evdev, libinput. Evdev provides more options to set (especially "Drag start distance" in my case).


It has an "Operation Mode Switch":

A hardware switch that relates to mouse polling rate. I tested it with evhz and didn't see any difference in numbers, but I noticed the difference during physical (ave humans!) movement (mouse arrow starts its moving faster even with "ghost" touch). Such kernel parameters as "usbhid.kbpoll=2 usbhid.mousepoll=2" don't have any effects on evhz's numbers as well.

Reassign keys and set key bindings:

Key bindings can be set with old-good xbindkeys, but keys can be completely reassigned (system-wide, not X session only) with input-remapper.


Dirty ball is better:

Probably it's the most annoying thing with Elecom Huge: synthetics ruby bearings and their replacement. I knew about this issue before buying and seller provided me with other bearings. But even with replaced bearings I felt discomfort with ... a clean ball :) Dirty ball slides much better in my view!