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It's not a secret that this age is an informational age. Data is everywhere (we are data, too). The main question how to organize this data effectively and do it continuously. This is a current state of my personal data streams:

Main diagram:


  1. Primary devices are: laptop, dev container, phone, tablet. Data must be in consistent state across all devices.
  2. The main source of external data is gosquito, who puts filtered and enriched data into Mattermost channels. Mobile application for accessing Mattermost and receiving push notifications (custom Firebase endpoint) is self-built.
  3. Browser tabs (Chrome, Firefox) are synced across all hosts/devices with such sweet pair as Nextcloud/Floccus. Completely independent of Chrome/Firefox infrastructures.
  4. Main body of offline data consisted from: markdown files, PDF/EPUB books, HTML snapshots with SingleFile. Consistency across devices achieved with help of Obsidian LiveSync Plugin. Making book annotations - Obsidian Annotator Plugin. Reading HTML snapshots - Obsidian HTML Plugin.
  5. Main body of offline data also pushed to Gitea/LFS. Yes, don't keep all eggs in a single basket.
  6. All data is indexed in Elastic and accessible from Kibana.