There are many different data forms/shapes, each fits into specific context/environment. Symbolic data (text) is the greatest invention in history of humankind, but it's not very suitable for depicting complex data within a short period of time. One picture can reveal a lot more within a quick glance. This is why I added a feature for making screenshots of web pages and/or specific page elements to my data scrapping tools gosquito and webchela:
- In some situations you cannot provide/give access to data sources, but you can provide data in an image format.
- In some situations data must be computed, data is heavy for an end device, but you can give lightweight results in an image format.
- Image cannot be easily processed/analysed as text.
- Image contains everything (rich formatting, styles/themes etc.) and supported by any peace of software (even in such console viewers like chafa).
- Complex processing.
- Someone should do it for you.